Vince Koloski Studios LLC · San Francisco, CA

Single Family Crop Circle

Single Family Crop Circle

To celebrate the coming of Spring, a crop circle sprouts in Bernal Heights.

On the evening of March 20th, the first piece in the “Garage Door Neon” series debuted on,
curiously enough, the garage door of 76 Bernal Heights Boulevard, just below the crown
of the Bernal Heights open space. The piece, titled “Single Family Crop Circle” is the latest
neon crop circle by San Francisco sculptor Vince Koloski. It is a 6’ x 17’ piece that graced
the neighborhood for the evening of the Vernal Equinox and the Easter Weekend.

It was the first neon crop circle to appear this century.

Single Family Crop Circle Single Family Crop Circle

Single Family Crop Circle

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